What if your pet was facing a health emergency, and his or her life depended on your quick decisions? Would you know what to do? Pet first-aid may be required for many unexpected injuries and conditions, including puncture wounds, poisoning, choking, heat stroke, breathing difficulties, electrical shock, and car accidents. Advance planning can make the difference between life and death for your pet. Here are some tips and resources that will help you provide better first aid for your pets.
Five Tips to Help Celebrate National Pet First Aid Awareness Month by RedCross
1. Know the signs of an emergency. Unusual whinning or crying, bleeding, irregular or difficulty breathing are among the things that should be checked out.
2. Learn how to treat common pet injuries. Contact your local Red Cross chapter or visit them online at www.redcross.org/services/hss/courses/pets.html
3. Assemble a pet first aid kit, and be sure it includes a manual, Find outt what to include by going to hsus.org- enter ‘first aid’ in the search box
4. Post a list of contact numbers near your phone: your vet, an emergency 24-hr vet clinic (including driving directions) and a poison control center; a visit to aspca.org/apcc now will pay dividends later.
5. Take steps to prevent emergencies from happening. For example, keep your pet indoors, in a fenced yard, or on a leash. Pet-proof your home and make sure medications and cleaners are out of reach and electrical cords are taped down. Keep your pet’s vaccinations current. Include pets in your fire
escape plans. Take your pet to the vet regularly, and in between visits, check them for health changes
PetSaver First Aid Class program - http://www.pettech.net/petsaver.html
PetSaver First Aid Training - http://www.pettech.net/schedule.html
OptiWell First Aid Classes - http://optiwell.nichirenscoffeehouse.net/pet-first-aid.com.html
American Red Croos First Aid Training Clasases - http://www.sdarc.org/TakeAClass/IndividualTraining/PetFirstAid/tabid/145/Default.aspx