Have you hugged your Professional Pet Sitter lately? If not, the first full week in March is National Professional Pet Sitters Week and there are many ways you can thank your sitter for being so good to your furkids. According to Pet Sitters International’s (PSI) website:
Each year, during the first full week in March, PSI leads a huge promotional push to celebrate the role of professional pet sitters in today's pet-care industry. With news releases on the national scene and support for individual pet sitters at the local level, PPSW tells pet owners about the benefits of in-home pet care. This is also a time for PSI and its members to give back to the animal community that supports the profession of pet sitting. Many PSI members donate a portion of the week's proceeds to their hometown animal charities. And during Professional Pet Sitters Week, PSI makes its annual presentation of the PSI Charity Auction Proceeds. In the past 12 years, more than $60,000 has been donated to animal-related charities on behalf of pet sitters everywhere.
Professional Pet Sitters Week was introduced by Pet Sitters International in 1995. PSI is the world’s largest educational association for professional pet sitters. When asked why PSI promotes such an event, Patti Moran, president of PSI explained, “Professional pet sitting has become an important service industry in the past 11 years. Many professional pet sitters put in long hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year, so they can provide personal in-home care for pets of all kinds. Their dedicated service affords their clients the ability to leave home on business or vacation with the knowledge that their beloved pets are in the capable hands of caring professionals. “The tireless efforts of these small business owners and their staffs truly deserve recognition.” According to PSI, its members serve nearly one million homes annually. With more than 64 percent of U.S. households owning some kind of pet, with the U.S. pet population including 73 million dogs, 90 million cats, and 16 million birds, it can easily be seen why PPSW has become a global event.
For pet owners, at-home pet sitting provides a unique alternative to boarding facilities or having to rely on family and neighbors to check in on their pets. Pet sitters come to the home daily, enabling their furry, finned or feathered charges to maintain regular routines, including feedings, walks, potty breaks and more. Regardless the tasks, pets always receive one-on-one care and attention from a pet-sitting professional. PSI points out that pets experience less stress and adjust better to their owners’ absences when they remain in their normal environment. This reduction in stress creates a positive impact on a pet’s overall health and well-being. To the delight of many pet owners, most professional pet sitters provide the added benefit of home security by bringing in their clients mail and newspapers, rotating lighted area, opening and closing draperies and attending to other details that make the house appear occupied while and owner is away.
The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters website states that “with pet ownership in the United States continually on the rise, the demand for professional pet sitters has driven the business to become one of the top 10 growing professions in the past decade…To recognize the good work pet sitters do for their clients, NAPPS encouraged pet owners to express their appreciation during National Professional Pet Sitters Week…National Professional Pet Sitters Week is the perfect time for the owners of those pets to thank the individuals that care for these pets when they must be away from home. Flowers, cards, and candy are among the items pet owners can give their pet sitters for the loving care they provide, NAPPS said. When choosing a pet sitter, NAPPS recommends looking for a provider who has insurance, references, and literature that fully describes the sitter’s services and fees. The NAPPS website (http://www.petsitters.org) offers a nationwide referral service for locating pet sitters across the country.”
For more information about Professional Pet Sitters Week or to search for a Pet Sitter try their locator service free of charge online, call PSI Headquarters at (336) 983-9222, go online at http://www.petsit.com or e-mail PRDept@petsit.com.
Here are some resources about pet care providers too:
Pet Sit USA - http://www.petsits.com
Pet Sitters Biz - http://www.pet-sitters.biz
Professional United Pet Sitters: http://www.petsits.com
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Fleas in San Diego - how to control those pests
Flea Season in San Diego is practically a year-round issue, although starts as early as the end of Winter and ends as late as Winter, for any pet owner. I have found a myriad of information, tips and resources for pet owners looking to combat and control flea infestations in their home and wanted to pass a long this information to you so you know what you need to do to protect yourself and your pets. The County of San Diego has listed the following information on their website:
Fleas are small, wingless, dark brown insects. Their thin bodies allow them to hop, jump and move quickly through hair and feathers. Fleas are usually brought into the home by dogs, cats or other furry pets. In order to live and reproduce, they feed off the blood of humans and animals, such as dogs and cats. When fleas bite humans, it can produce a small red spot with a light-colored center. If an allergic skin reaction occurs, swelling and blisters may appear. Many dogs and cats develop allergies to flea saliva. If an animal is having an allergic reaction to a flea bite, it will scratch or rub its skin until it becomes raw with sores.
Diseases Spread By Fleas
Plague: A bacterial disease carried by rodents that is spread through the bite of an infected flea.
Tapeworm: An intestinal parasite obtained by swallowing an infected flea.
Murine Typhus: A disease spread by the bite of a rat flea.
Prevention is the best way to control flea bites. Take preventative measures before flea season begins in spring and summer. Effective products that control fleas have made flea management on pets without pesticides possible. Here’s a few tips:
On the Pet:
· Several types of products are available to control fleas on dogs and cats. The most effective and safest products stop normal growth or reproduction of fleas. These products cannot be used on their own. Proper management and sanitation is also needed, such as regular bathing and brushing. Flea collars, however, should not be used on short-haired, single-coated dogs--such as greyhounds, whippets, and pointers--because of skin irritation.
· Brush your pet daily and thoroughly with a fine-toothed metal flea comb. Fleas captured on the comb should be dropped into warm soapy water and flushed down the toilet. You may want to ask your veterinarian about flea products for your pet. Do not use products on pets with raw skin or open sores. If you notice skin irritation or an allergic reaction, consult your veterinarian.
Indoor Control:
· Thoroughly vacuum floors, carpet, furniture, crevices around baseboards, cabinets and other infested areas at least every other day. Vacuum and wash pet bedding, as fleas are most common where pets sleep. Throw away vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag after use because fleas can develop inside.
· Also cleaning with a disinfectant such Lysol or a vinegar based solution or any solution designed for bed bugs and other insects will discourage fleas from making your home theirs.
· It is important to reach places where fleas like to hide when sanitizing and treating. Fleas lay tiny white eggs on the pet, that drop off and hatch where pets spend most of their time. Such indoor areas can be under a chair, on a rug or the pet's bedding.
Outdoor Control:
· Outdoor fleas live in coastal areas and other places with moderate temperatures and fairly high humidity.
· Outdoor sprays are not needed unless you think there is a large number of adult fleas. Apply sprays directly in areas where pests rest such as dog houses, kennels and under decks. Be sure to follow the label instructions carefully.
· If chemical control is needed, you should consult your veterinarian for your pet's safety.
The Flea Life Cycle
Eggs: Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs each day. These eggs drop off wherever the host spends time, such as on furniture, carpet, or pet bedding.
Larvae: In 1-10 days, tiny worm-like larvae hatch from the eggs. To avoid sunlight, they crawl into dark, low-traffic areas, often deep in carpeting below furniture.
Pupae: Larvae start spinning small, sticky white cocoons built with carpet fibers, dust and dirt. In ten days they become adults.
Young Adults: Young adults remain in their cocoons until they find a nearby host.
Adults: They bite and suck blood in order to live and reproduce.
Geneva Coats, Pomeranian Review Health and Genetics Editor, has listed some fantastic tips and information for managing fleas without the use of poisons at http://www.thedogplace.org/Articles/DogCare/Coats_No.Fleas_0609.htm. There are several ways chemicals enter the body. They may be inhaled and enter the bloodstream through the lungs. They may be ingested by mouth, and enter through the gastrointestinal tract. They may also be absorbed through the skin (and paw pads) through direct contact. The good new is, that by understanding the flea's life cycle and targeting your management activities, an effective and least-toxic flea control program is possible. Vigilance and preventive techniques allow most pet owners to keep flea populations under control without using poisons. An effective program must address the flea at all four stages of development. Vacuuming areas your pet frequents, bathing your pet, washing pet bedding, and combing for fleas can effectively keep your flea population at a tolerable level. In summary here’s a few key pointers:
1. Fleas tend to accumulate where pets sleep. Try to establish a single, regular sleeping place with bedding that is easily removable and washable. Wash bedding about once a week to break up the flea life cycle. Pick up the bedding by the four corners so that eggs and larvae aren't scattered throughout the area.
2. Keep your lawn cut short and either very dry or very wet. Fleas don't do well in either extreme. Bathing your pet is an effective control measure. It is not necessary to use insecticidal shampoos, most soaps will kill fleas. Use a comb to remove fleas from your dog or cat. Keep a container of soapy water nearby to drown the fleas in. Dish soap works well. Don't crush fleas with your fingers since they carry parasites and disease organisms.
3. Vacuuming floors, carpets, furniture, crevices and cracks once a week is an excellent means of controlling the flea population. Vacuuming is especially effective at picking up adults and eggs. The vibration from vacuuming can result in the emergence of adult fleas from the pupae stage, the newly hatched fleas are vacuumed up prior to ever meeting you or your pet. Steam cleaning carpet kills fleas in the adult and larval stages. However, the steam can trigger the hatching of the remaining flea eggs a few days later but vacuuming religiously will take care of most of the newly hatched fleas. Vacuum more frequently if the flea population increases, every 2-3 days during the peak season. After vacuuming, the bag must be dealt with immediately or the fleas will escape and re-infest the area.
4. Predatory nematodes that prey on flea larvae and pupae as they are developing in soil are available commercially. The nematodes are mixed with water and watered in to lawns to reduce outdoor flea populations. Nematodes are available from Gardens Alive! (812-537-8650) (www.gardensalive.com). Gardens Alive! is a wonderful source for environmentally friendly, nontoxic home and garden products. Another good company with information related to flea control on their website is Planet Natural. www.planetnatural.com.
5. Use less toxic alternatives to pesticides. Desiccating dusts, such as diatomaceous earth and silica aerogels, kill fleas by drying them out, causing the insect to lose moisture and eventually die. Always wear goggles and a dust mask during application to avoid breathing in desiccating dusts. Cover or remove equipment that can be damaged by dust. People with respiratory problems should not use diatomaceous earth. Be sure not to use glassified diatomaceous earth manufactured for use in swimming pool filters, it causes the lung disease silicosis. Some pest control companies are advertising a natural flea control through use of boric acid (another desiccant material) in cracks and crevices. Diatomaceous earth or silica aerogel can be applied to pets and their bedding. Both are desiccating agents. Work in using a brush or broom. Vacuum afterwards to remove loose dust. Use of brewer's yeast tablets make your dog less attractive to fleas, as the smell is excreted through the skin. Adding a spoon of apple cider vinegar to the water bowl will make the skin more acidic and unpleasant to fleas. You can also use a 50:50 dilution in a spray bottle and dampen the coat with the solution.Alternatives also include newer pesticide products sprayed or spotted onto pets, such as fipronil (Frontline®) or imidacloprid (Advantage®). Particularly when used in combination with physical measures, the safety and effectiveness of these newer chemical products makes the continued use of pet products containing Organophosphates -- and their attendant risks for humans and pets alike -- unnecessary.
6. You can make your own nontoxic flea repellents with some natural aromatherapy ingredients. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, lavender, geraniumeem, lemon, grapefruit, orange, cedar, and wood sage work well as repellents; add a few drops of these, in varying combinations, in a spray bottle filled with water: You could also make a flea collar by rubbing a few drops of these essential oils into a cloth collar or bandana for your dog. Be sure to refresh weekly.
7. A recently developed oral adulticide also given monthly is nitenpyram (Capstar®), that when given begins to kill fleas in 30 minutes. All these products are safe, easy to use and if used correctly, the most effective method of flea control. Additionally, some have the added benefit of efficacy against other parasites. Some veterinarians are even recommending a combination of an adulticide and insect growth regulator (Frontline Plus®) as a more complete method of flea control. With all these choices it is best to consult your veterinarian as to the best flea control and prevention for your pet. The choice of flea control should depend on your pet's life-style and potential for exposure.
Fleas are small, wingless, dark brown insects. Their thin bodies allow them to hop, jump and move quickly through hair and feathers. Fleas are usually brought into the home by dogs, cats or other furry pets. In order to live and reproduce, they feed off the blood of humans and animals, such as dogs and cats. When fleas bite humans, it can produce a small red spot with a light-colored center. If an allergic skin reaction occurs, swelling and blisters may appear. Many dogs and cats develop allergies to flea saliva. If an animal is having an allergic reaction to a flea bite, it will scratch or rub its skin until it becomes raw with sores.
Diseases Spread By Fleas
Plague: A bacterial disease carried by rodents that is spread through the bite of an infected flea.
Tapeworm: An intestinal parasite obtained by swallowing an infected flea.
Murine Typhus: A disease spread by the bite of a rat flea.
Prevention is the best way to control flea bites. Take preventative measures before flea season begins in spring and summer. Effective products that control fleas have made flea management on pets without pesticides possible. Here’s a few tips:
On the Pet:
· Several types of products are available to control fleas on dogs and cats. The most effective and safest products stop normal growth or reproduction of fleas. These products cannot be used on their own. Proper management and sanitation is also needed, such as regular bathing and brushing. Flea collars, however, should not be used on short-haired, single-coated dogs--such as greyhounds, whippets, and pointers--because of skin irritation.
· Brush your pet daily and thoroughly with a fine-toothed metal flea comb. Fleas captured on the comb should be dropped into warm soapy water and flushed down the toilet. You may want to ask your veterinarian about flea products for your pet. Do not use products on pets with raw skin or open sores. If you notice skin irritation or an allergic reaction, consult your veterinarian.
Indoor Control:
· Thoroughly vacuum floors, carpet, furniture, crevices around baseboards, cabinets and other infested areas at least every other day. Vacuum and wash pet bedding, as fleas are most common where pets sleep. Throw away vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag after use because fleas can develop inside.
· Also cleaning with a disinfectant such Lysol or a vinegar based solution or any solution designed for bed bugs and other insects will discourage fleas from making your home theirs.
· It is important to reach places where fleas like to hide when sanitizing and treating. Fleas lay tiny white eggs on the pet, that drop off and hatch where pets spend most of their time. Such indoor areas can be under a chair, on a rug or the pet's bedding.
Outdoor Control:
· Outdoor fleas live in coastal areas and other places with moderate temperatures and fairly high humidity.
· Outdoor sprays are not needed unless you think there is a large number of adult fleas. Apply sprays directly in areas where pests rest such as dog houses, kennels and under decks. Be sure to follow the label instructions carefully.
· If chemical control is needed, you should consult your veterinarian for your pet's safety.
The Flea Life Cycle
Eggs: Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs each day. These eggs drop off wherever the host spends time, such as on furniture, carpet, or pet bedding.
Larvae: In 1-10 days, tiny worm-like larvae hatch from the eggs. To avoid sunlight, they crawl into dark, low-traffic areas, often deep in carpeting below furniture.
Pupae: Larvae start spinning small, sticky white cocoons built with carpet fibers, dust and dirt. In ten days they become adults.
Young Adults: Young adults remain in their cocoons until they find a nearby host.
Adults: They bite and suck blood in order to live and reproduce.
Geneva Coats, Pomeranian Review Health and Genetics Editor, has listed some fantastic tips and information for managing fleas without the use of poisons at http://www.thedogplace.org/Articles/DogCare/Coats_No.Fleas_0609.htm. There are several ways chemicals enter the body. They may be inhaled and enter the bloodstream through the lungs. They may be ingested by mouth, and enter through the gastrointestinal tract. They may also be absorbed through the skin (and paw pads) through direct contact. The good new is, that by understanding the flea's life cycle and targeting your management activities, an effective and least-toxic flea control program is possible. Vigilance and preventive techniques allow most pet owners to keep flea populations under control without using poisons. An effective program must address the flea at all four stages of development. Vacuuming areas your pet frequents, bathing your pet, washing pet bedding, and combing for fleas can effectively keep your flea population at a tolerable level. In summary here’s a few key pointers:
1. Fleas tend to accumulate where pets sleep. Try to establish a single, regular sleeping place with bedding that is easily removable and washable. Wash bedding about once a week to break up the flea life cycle. Pick up the bedding by the four corners so that eggs and larvae aren't scattered throughout the area.
2. Keep your lawn cut short and either very dry or very wet. Fleas don't do well in either extreme. Bathing your pet is an effective control measure. It is not necessary to use insecticidal shampoos, most soaps will kill fleas. Use a comb to remove fleas from your dog or cat. Keep a container of soapy water nearby to drown the fleas in. Dish soap works well. Don't crush fleas with your fingers since they carry parasites and disease organisms.
3. Vacuuming floors, carpets, furniture, crevices and cracks once a week is an excellent means of controlling the flea population. Vacuuming is especially effective at picking up adults and eggs. The vibration from vacuuming can result in the emergence of adult fleas from the pupae stage, the newly hatched fleas are vacuumed up prior to ever meeting you or your pet. Steam cleaning carpet kills fleas in the adult and larval stages. However, the steam can trigger the hatching of the remaining flea eggs a few days later but vacuuming religiously will take care of most of the newly hatched fleas. Vacuum more frequently if the flea population increases, every 2-3 days during the peak season. After vacuuming, the bag must be dealt with immediately or the fleas will escape and re-infest the area.
4. Predatory nematodes that prey on flea larvae and pupae as they are developing in soil are available commercially. The nematodes are mixed with water and watered in to lawns to reduce outdoor flea populations. Nematodes are available from Gardens Alive! (812-537-8650) (www.gardensalive.com). Gardens Alive! is a wonderful source for environmentally friendly, nontoxic home and garden products. Another good company with information related to flea control on their website is Planet Natural. www.planetnatural.com.
5. Use less toxic alternatives to pesticides. Desiccating dusts, such as diatomaceous earth and silica aerogels, kill fleas by drying them out, causing the insect to lose moisture and eventually die. Always wear goggles and a dust mask during application to avoid breathing in desiccating dusts. Cover or remove equipment that can be damaged by dust. People with respiratory problems should not use diatomaceous earth. Be sure not to use glassified diatomaceous earth manufactured for use in swimming pool filters, it causes the lung disease silicosis. Some pest control companies are advertising a natural flea control through use of boric acid (another desiccant material) in cracks and crevices. Diatomaceous earth or silica aerogel can be applied to pets and their bedding. Both are desiccating agents. Work in using a brush or broom. Vacuum afterwards to remove loose dust. Use of brewer's yeast tablets make your dog less attractive to fleas, as the smell is excreted through the skin. Adding a spoon of apple cider vinegar to the water bowl will make the skin more acidic and unpleasant to fleas. You can also use a 50:50 dilution in a spray bottle and dampen the coat with the solution.Alternatives also include newer pesticide products sprayed or spotted onto pets, such as fipronil (Frontline®) or imidacloprid (Advantage®). Particularly when used in combination with physical measures, the safety and effectiveness of these newer chemical products makes the continued use of pet products containing Organophosphates -- and their attendant risks for humans and pets alike -- unnecessary.
6. You can make your own nontoxic flea repellents with some natural aromatherapy ingredients. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, lavender, geraniumeem, lemon, grapefruit, orange, cedar, and wood sage work well as repellents; add a few drops of these, in varying combinations, in a spray bottle filled with water: You could also make a flea collar by rubbing a few drops of these essential oils into a cloth collar or bandana for your dog. Be sure to refresh weekly.
7. A recently developed oral adulticide also given monthly is nitenpyram (Capstar®), that when given begins to kill fleas in 30 minutes. All these products are safe, easy to use and if used correctly, the most effective method of flea control. Additionally, some have the added benefit of efficacy against other parasites. Some veterinarians are even recommending a combination of an adulticide and insect growth regulator (Frontline Plus®) as a more complete method of flea control. With all these choices it is best to consult your veterinarian as to the best flea control and prevention for your pet. The choice of flea control should depend on your pet's life-style and potential for exposure.
Dog Groomer Recommendations and Tips
Found some great tips on what to look for in a dog groomer and where to find a good local dog groomer and thought to share this information.
What to Look for in a Dog Groomer
Investigate and visit several dog groomers to determine which will be best for your pet. Professional dog grooming is demanding work, but it’s a labor of love for the vast majority of its practitioners. Finding a dog groomer is not much different from choosing a preschool teacher. You want someone who is kind, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and easy to communicate with. But in the groomer’s case, you also want someone who has the artistic skill to make your dog look awesome.
· Groomers work in a variety of places: salons, kennels, pet supply stores, veterinary clinics, mobile vans, and in home-based businesses. If yours is a breed that requires expert styling – a Poodle, Bichon Frisé, or terrier – get a recommendation from your breeder. Word of mouth is a groomer’s best advertisement, but before you make that first appointment, investigate some more.
· Visit several groomers to determine which is best for your pet.
· It’s a good idea to call ahead because skilled dog groomers are in demand and on a tight schedule.
· The prospective groomer should welcome your visit, answer your questions courteously, and assure you that if your dog has special needs he or she will do their best to accommodate them.
· If your dog is a puppy or senior, a good groomer will work to get him finished quickly. He or she will go over your dog’s coat and discuss styling.
· The groomer may have a portfolio or website available to see his or her work.
· The shop should look and smell clean, and you should be able to observe the staff caring for their canine clients in a kind and respectful way.
· For your pet’s protection, a conscientious groomer will request you provide vaccination records.
· Is the groomer certified? Three national organizations offer this credential: the National Dog Groomers Association of America, the International Society of Canine Cosmetologists, and the International Professional Groomers Inc. Certification is earned through a series of hands-on and written tests, and judged by accredited professionals. The pet-grooming profession does not require licensing, so you’ll need to verify a groomer’s credentials.
· Does the groomer participate in grooming competitions? These rigorous contests take place nationwide and dedicated groomers vie for trophies, cash prizes, and grooming equipment, and most important, respect and recognition from their peers.
· A groomer needs many skills: animal handling, brushing, de-matting, clippering, bathing, blow-drying, scissoring, and hand-stripping. He or she must be able to visualize the way a dog should look to execute the required trim.
· If the groomer is unfamiliar with your dog’s breed, he or she should have reference books to help properly style your dog in a show or pet trim, depending upon your preference. If yours is a mixed breed, the “standard” is a piece of cake: The groomer should make him look adorable!
Where to find a groomer? Check your local yellow pages, yelp.com, sandiego.kudzu.com or check the following listings. Trust your judgment, ask lots of questions, do not just trust the rating only but read reviews for the feedback others have provided and verify credentials. Decide if self serve is needed or you want a groomer to do the work. There are many options for getting your pet pampered. Here’s a few I’d recommend locally based on reading Yelp reviews:
A Pets Best Friend - San Diego, CA 92123 www.apetsbestfriend.biz
Aussie Pet Mobile of San Diego - (858) 560-5007, yourlocalaussiepetmobile.com/
Barkindales – San Diego, CA 92115, www.barkindales.com
Bow Wow Beauty Shoppe - San Diego, CA 92103, www.bowwowbeautyshoppe.com
Canine Coiffures - 5155 La Jolla Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109, (858) 459-2888
City Dog – Downtown, SD, www.citydogsd.com/
Dirty Dog Pet Wash & Boutique, San Diego, CA 92116 - www.dirtydogsandiego.com
Dog Beach Dog Wash – Ocean Beach, www.dogwash.com
Dog In Suds - 382 N El Camino Real (between Crest Dr & La Gran Ave) Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 943-0653
Grateful Dog - 802 N Coast Hwy 101 Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-9663
Shear Delight - 818 Fort Stockton Dr, San Diego, CA 92103, (619) 297-3470
Simbah's Dog House - Vista, CA 92084, (760) 758-7387 simbahsdoghouse.com/
South Bark Dog Wash – South Park, www.southbark.com
Spa 4 Paws - Poway, CA 92064 (858) 414-5848
The Pink Poodle Pet Salon - 6134 El Cajon Blvd, (between 62nd St & College Ave), San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 583-2261
World Famous Dog Wash – Ocean Beach, www.worldfamousdogwash.com
Yuko's Dog Grooming - 2979 Upas Sty, (between 30th St & Dale St), San Diego, CA 92104, (619) 280-6040
National Dog Groomers Association of America - www.nationaldoggroomers.com/
International Society of Canine Cosmetologists - http://www.petstylist.com/
International Professional Groomers Inc - http://ipgcmg.org/
What to Look for in a Dog Groomer
Investigate and visit several dog groomers to determine which will be best for your pet. Professional dog grooming is demanding work, but it’s a labor of love for the vast majority of its practitioners. Finding a dog groomer is not much different from choosing a preschool teacher. You want someone who is kind, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and easy to communicate with. But in the groomer’s case, you also want someone who has the artistic skill to make your dog look awesome.
· Groomers work in a variety of places: salons, kennels, pet supply stores, veterinary clinics, mobile vans, and in home-based businesses. If yours is a breed that requires expert styling – a Poodle, Bichon Frisé, or terrier – get a recommendation from your breeder. Word of mouth is a groomer’s best advertisement, but before you make that first appointment, investigate some more.
· Visit several groomers to determine which is best for your pet.
· It’s a good idea to call ahead because skilled dog groomers are in demand and on a tight schedule.
· The prospective groomer should welcome your visit, answer your questions courteously, and assure you that if your dog has special needs he or she will do their best to accommodate them.
· If your dog is a puppy or senior, a good groomer will work to get him finished quickly. He or she will go over your dog’s coat and discuss styling.
· The groomer may have a portfolio or website available to see his or her work.
· The shop should look and smell clean, and you should be able to observe the staff caring for their canine clients in a kind and respectful way.
· For your pet’s protection, a conscientious groomer will request you provide vaccination records.
· Is the groomer certified? Three national organizations offer this credential: the National Dog Groomers Association of America, the International Society of Canine Cosmetologists, and the International Professional Groomers Inc. Certification is earned through a series of hands-on and written tests, and judged by accredited professionals. The pet-grooming profession does not require licensing, so you’ll need to verify a groomer’s credentials.
· Does the groomer participate in grooming competitions? These rigorous contests take place nationwide and dedicated groomers vie for trophies, cash prizes, and grooming equipment, and most important, respect and recognition from their peers.
· A groomer needs many skills: animal handling, brushing, de-matting, clippering, bathing, blow-drying, scissoring, and hand-stripping. He or she must be able to visualize the way a dog should look to execute the required trim.
· If the groomer is unfamiliar with your dog’s breed, he or she should have reference books to help properly style your dog in a show or pet trim, depending upon your preference. If yours is a mixed breed, the “standard” is a piece of cake: The groomer should make him look adorable!
Where to find a groomer? Check your local yellow pages, yelp.com, sandiego.kudzu.com or check the following listings. Trust your judgment, ask lots of questions, do not just trust the rating only but read reviews for the feedback others have provided and verify credentials. Decide if self serve is needed or you want a groomer to do the work. There are many options for getting your pet pampered. Here’s a few I’d recommend locally based on reading Yelp reviews:
A Pets Best Friend - San Diego, CA 92123 www.apetsbestfriend.biz
Aussie Pet Mobile of San Diego - (858) 560-5007, yourlocalaussiepetmobile.com/
Barkindales – San Diego, CA 92115, www.barkindales.com
Bow Wow Beauty Shoppe - San Diego, CA 92103, www.bowwowbeautyshoppe.com
Canine Coiffures - 5155 La Jolla Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109, (858) 459-2888
City Dog – Downtown, SD, www.citydogsd.com/
Dirty Dog Pet Wash & Boutique, San Diego, CA 92116 - www.dirtydogsandiego.com
Dog Beach Dog Wash – Ocean Beach, www.dogwash.com
Dog In Suds - 382 N El Camino Real (between Crest Dr & La Gran Ave) Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 943-0653
Grateful Dog - 802 N Coast Hwy 101 Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-9663
Shear Delight - 818 Fort Stockton Dr, San Diego, CA 92103, (619) 297-3470
Simbah's Dog House - Vista, CA 92084, (760) 758-7387 simbahsdoghouse.com/
South Bark Dog Wash – South Park, www.southbark.com
Spa 4 Paws - Poway, CA 92064 (858) 414-5848
The Pink Poodle Pet Salon - 6134 El Cajon Blvd, (between 62nd St & College Ave), San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 583-2261
World Famous Dog Wash – Ocean Beach, www.worldfamousdogwash.com
Yuko's Dog Grooming - 2979 Upas Sty, (between 30th St & Dale St), San Diego, CA 92104, (619) 280-6040
National Dog Groomers Association of America - www.nationaldoggroomers.com/
International Society of Canine Cosmetologists - http://www.petstylist.com/
International Professional Groomers Inc - http://ipgcmg.org/
Vet and Insurance recommendations and tips
Found some great tips and recommendations for finding a good local vet or pet insurance company. Remember, even having good insurance (both liability and health) on your pets is another great way to show prospective landlords that you are the best choice for them.
Tips When Choosing Your Veterinary Pet Insurance
It should come as no surprise to learn that veterinary pet treatments and procedures are becoming more expensive. Even though it is not as well-known or talked about as much as health care coverage for humans, pet health insurance has been available to cover family pets for the better part of two decades. Veterinary pet insurance is very similar to the type of health care coverage that you would seek out for your family. With pet health insurance, the cost of veterinary care is covered when you purchase such a policy. The cost of the premiums will vary depending on how extensive the coverage is, but most families find the premiums to be quite affordable and easy to fit into the monthly household budget. For many people, they want to purchase the best mammal cover that they can so that they feel confident in the level of care that their animal will receive. Animal cover policies that cover preventative measures or wellness care, in addition to the veterinary pet services that are needed in case of illness or emergency, are considered to be the premier type. Most of these policies will also cover on-going care and long-term treatments in the instance of chronic problems or conditions of disease. However, you will find that these types of mammal cover plans, which are quite comprehensive in their coverage, come at a cost. You will pay the most in its insurance premiums for coverage that pays for routine health screening visits to your vet and for the regular vaccinations, immunizations and booster shots. Devoted animal lovers find a great deal of comfort in knowing that their family pets are covered under this type of animal health cover and are willing to pay extra for this coverage. There are a few ways to reduce the cost of your animal cover premiums and still have very good coverage. One way to do this is to choose a higher deductible for your policy. Another is to choose to purchase a policy that has a co-payment option. You also might be able to get a discount if you pay your premiums quarterly or annually, as opposed to monthly. Most pet insurance companies offer a variety of plans so that you can find the coverage you are comfortable with and still stay within your budget. Before making a commitment on a specific veterinary pet insurance plan, be sure to learn about optional benefits and coverage that an individual pet plan will provide. In addition, it is a good idea to find out about the track record and the reputation of the various mammal cover companies before sending them your hard earned money. One last thing you can do in your search is to check with your veterinarian to see if they have ever encountered any payment problems or claim issues with the particular company you are considering. Want to find a way to compare policies? http://pets.niche-educator.com/Veterinary-Pet-Insurance.php
Tips For Choosing a Veterinarian
Taking steps to choose a competent veterinarian before you bring that pet home is a very worthwhile thing to do. Should there be some medical emergency, you don't want to be caught in a panic resorting to a random choice of Vet from the Yellow Pages! And you know the old saying about Murphy's Law...anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Especially if you're unprepared. So, where to begin?
1. One of the best places to start is by contacting the American Veterinary Medical Association. Most reputable vets belong to this organization. Once you get in contact them, ask for some vet referrals in your area.
2. Another good source of information is the American Animal Hospital Association. Vets who belong to this organization are committed to achieving the high standards of animal care set by the association. You can visit them out online at www.aahanet.org to get lots of good information. Then go to http://www.healthypet.com/hospital_search.aspx to find AAHA accredited veterinary practices near your home.
3. Once you have your list of referrals in hand, check with some of your neighbors who have pets to find out who they think is the best petgie doc in town. Also, boarding facilities may have some suggestions. See if you come up with any matches to the names on your list.
4. The next step is to pay a visit to some of the vet practices. Check out the hours of operation and how many vets are on staff. It is especially good to find out if they have "emergency" hours, because taking your pet to an alternate vet in a crisis, is not very reassuring.
Here are some other items to put on your Vet Visit checklist:
· Find out about fees for the basic services, as well as boarding, if this is offered.
· Get a good look at the place. Does it look up-to-date and clean?
· Are there many clients waiting and do they seem to be on good terms with the staff?
· Is the atmosphere friendly and do the employees seem happy to be working there?
· Were you welcomed and readily given the information you needed?
· Were you offered a tour?
After you have done your pet detective work, you'll most likely be much more comfortable and confident in selecting a vet for your pet. Once you and your pet are past the early days of your relationship, make an appointment with the vet you've chosen. This could be just a very brief look-see at your pet by the vet, and to get your pet's health information on file. Most importantly, it will give you a chance to see how the vet and your pet get along. Be sure to have some questions to ask the doctor. Part of your goal is to find a vet that is happy to answer any questions you have, even if they may seem trivial. This will set your comfort level for calling the vet without hesitation whenever you need advice in the future. The bottom line: If you don't come away from your meeting feeling confident that your pet's health is in competent hands, move on to someone else on your list. Choosing a vet you and your pet can relate to and trust is very important and your pet is worth it. So my advice is take all the time you need to find the right one. But, whatever you do, don't wait until your pet is sick to find a vet! Keep these tips handy in your pet file. You might want to refer to them again if you move to a new city.
Where to find a vet?
Check your local yellow pages, yelp.com, sandiego.kudzu.com or check the following listings. Trust your judgment, ask lots of questions, do not just trust the rating only but read reviews for the feedback others have provided and verify credentials.
Animal Emergency Clinic - http://www.AnimalEmergencySD.com
Animal ER of San Diego - (858) 569-0600, 5610 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111
Animal Hospitals USA - http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com
Animal Urgent Care of Escondido - http://www.AUC.US.com
AVMA - http://www.avma.org
California Veterinary Specialists - http://www.CaliforniaVeterinarySpecialists.com
Classic Green Light Insurance – Pet Insurance packages – http://www.classicgreenlight.com
DNA Testing Company to Determine Dog Breed - http://www.whatsmydog.com
Harmony Animal Hospital - http://www.petvets.com
Holistic Veterinary Care – http://www.animalhealingcenter.net
Nonprofit Veterinary Organization - nonprofit org that provides free veterinary aid - http://www.worldvets.org
Pet Assistance Foundation - http://www.orgsites.com/ca/pet-assistance
Pet Emergency & Specialty - http://www.PESCSanDiego.com
SNAP – Spay Neuter Action - http://www.Snap-SanDiego.org
Swim Therapy - http://www.cuttingedgek9.com
VCA Emergency Animal Hospital & Referral Center - http://www.VCAEmergency.com
VCA North Coast Veterinary & Emergency - http://www.VCANorthCoast.com
Veterinary Specialty Hospital - http://www.VSHSD.com
VPI Pet Insurance - www.PetInsurance.com
Petplan Pet Insurance - www.GoPetplan.com
ASPCA Pet Insurance - www.aspcapetinsurance.com
Pet Insurance - DoTellAll.com
Pets Health Insurance - CareAlotPets.com/Healthy-Pets
Healthcare Insurance - www.eHealthInsurance.com
Luebbering Insurance - luebberingdennis.com
Tips When Choosing Your Veterinary Pet Insurance
It should come as no surprise to learn that veterinary pet treatments and procedures are becoming more expensive. Even though it is not as well-known or talked about as much as health care coverage for humans, pet health insurance has been available to cover family pets for the better part of two decades. Veterinary pet insurance is very similar to the type of health care coverage that you would seek out for your family. With pet health insurance, the cost of veterinary care is covered when you purchase such a policy. The cost of the premiums will vary depending on how extensive the coverage is, but most families find the premiums to be quite affordable and easy to fit into the monthly household budget. For many people, they want to purchase the best mammal cover that they can so that they feel confident in the level of care that their animal will receive. Animal cover policies that cover preventative measures or wellness care, in addition to the veterinary pet services that are needed in case of illness or emergency, are considered to be the premier type. Most of these policies will also cover on-going care and long-term treatments in the instance of chronic problems or conditions of disease. However, you will find that these types of mammal cover plans, which are quite comprehensive in their coverage, come at a cost. You will pay the most in its insurance premiums for coverage that pays for routine health screening visits to your vet and for the regular vaccinations, immunizations and booster shots. Devoted animal lovers find a great deal of comfort in knowing that their family pets are covered under this type of animal health cover and are willing to pay extra for this coverage. There are a few ways to reduce the cost of your animal cover premiums and still have very good coverage. One way to do this is to choose a higher deductible for your policy. Another is to choose to purchase a policy that has a co-payment option. You also might be able to get a discount if you pay your premiums quarterly or annually, as opposed to monthly. Most pet insurance companies offer a variety of plans so that you can find the coverage you are comfortable with and still stay within your budget. Before making a commitment on a specific veterinary pet insurance plan, be sure to learn about optional benefits and coverage that an individual pet plan will provide. In addition, it is a good idea to find out about the track record and the reputation of the various mammal cover companies before sending them your hard earned money. One last thing you can do in your search is to check with your veterinarian to see if they have ever encountered any payment problems or claim issues with the particular company you are considering. Want to find a way to compare policies? http://pets.niche-educator.com/Veterinary-Pet-Insurance.php
Tips For Choosing a Veterinarian
Taking steps to choose a competent veterinarian before you bring that pet home is a very worthwhile thing to do. Should there be some medical emergency, you don't want to be caught in a panic resorting to a random choice of Vet from the Yellow Pages! And you know the old saying about Murphy's Law...anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Especially if you're unprepared. So, where to begin?
1. One of the best places to start is by contacting the American Veterinary Medical Association. Most reputable vets belong to this organization. Once you get in contact them, ask for some vet referrals in your area.
2. Another good source of information is the American Animal Hospital Association. Vets who belong to this organization are committed to achieving the high standards of animal care set by the association. You can visit them out online at www.aahanet.org to get lots of good information. Then go to http://www.healthypet.com/hospital_search.aspx to find AAHA accredited veterinary practices near your home.
3. Once you have your list of referrals in hand, check with some of your neighbors who have pets to find out who they think is the best petgie doc in town. Also, boarding facilities may have some suggestions. See if you come up with any matches to the names on your list.
4. The next step is to pay a visit to some of the vet practices. Check out the hours of operation and how many vets are on staff. It is especially good to find out if they have "emergency" hours, because taking your pet to an alternate vet in a crisis, is not very reassuring.
Here are some other items to put on your Vet Visit checklist:
· Find out about fees for the basic services, as well as boarding, if this is offered.
· Get a good look at the place. Does it look up-to-date and clean?
· Are there many clients waiting and do they seem to be on good terms with the staff?
· Is the atmosphere friendly and do the employees seem happy to be working there?
· Were you welcomed and readily given the information you needed?
· Were you offered a tour?
After you have done your pet detective work, you'll most likely be much more comfortable and confident in selecting a vet for your pet. Once you and your pet are past the early days of your relationship, make an appointment with the vet you've chosen. This could be just a very brief look-see at your pet by the vet, and to get your pet's health information on file. Most importantly, it will give you a chance to see how the vet and your pet get along. Be sure to have some questions to ask the doctor. Part of your goal is to find a vet that is happy to answer any questions you have, even if they may seem trivial. This will set your comfort level for calling the vet without hesitation whenever you need advice in the future. The bottom line: If you don't come away from your meeting feeling confident that your pet's health is in competent hands, move on to someone else on your list. Choosing a vet you and your pet can relate to and trust is very important and your pet is worth it. So my advice is take all the time you need to find the right one. But, whatever you do, don't wait until your pet is sick to find a vet! Keep these tips handy in your pet file. You might want to refer to them again if you move to a new city.
Where to find a vet?
Check your local yellow pages, yelp.com, sandiego.kudzu.com or check the following listings. Trust your judgment, ask lots of questions, do not just trust the rating only but read reviews for the feedback others have provided and verify credentials.
Animal Emergency Clinic - http://www.AnimalEmergencySD.com
Animal ER of San Diego - (858) 569-0600, 5610 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111
Animal Hospitals USA - http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com
Animal Urgent Care of Escondido - http://www.AUC.US.com
AVMA - http://www.avma.org
California Veterinary Specialists - http://www.CaliforniaVeterinarySpecialists.com
Classic Green Light Insurance – Pet Insurance packages – http://www.classicgreenlight.com
DNA Testing Company to Determine Dog Breed - http://www.whatsmydog.com
Harmony Animal Hospital - http://www.petvets.com
Holistic Veterinary Care – http://www.animalhealingcenter.net
Nonprofit Veterinary Organization - nonprofit org that provides free veterinary aid - http://www.worldvets.org
Pet Assistance Foundation - http://www.orgsites.com/ca/pet-assistance
Pet Emergency & Specialty - http://www.PESCSanDiego.com
SNAP – Spay Neuter Action - http://www.Snap-SanDiego.org
Swim Therapy - http://www.cuttingedgek9.com
VCA Emergency Animal Hospital & Referral Center - http://www.VCAEmergency.com
VCA North Coast Veterinary & Emergency - http://www.VCANorthCoast.com
Veterinary Specialty Hospital - http://www.VSHSD.com
VPI Pet Insurance - www.PetInsurance.com
Petplan Pet Insurance - www.GoPetplan.com
ASPCA Pet Insurance - www.aspcapetinsurance.com
Pet Insurance - DoTellAll.com
Pets Health Insurance - CareAlotPets.com/Healthy-Pets
Healthcare Insurance - www.eHealthInsurance.com
Luebbering Insurance - luebberingdennis.com
Sunday, February 1, 2009
February is Responsible Pet Owner Month
February is Responsible Pet Owner Month and animal societies are urging pet owners to get their favorite furry friends "fixed” and be more responsible on behalf of their family pets. Pets can instill a sense of well-being, and studies have shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure, are less likely to be depressed and have higher self-esteem than people who don't care for companion animals. Celebrate what your pet brings you by learning more about being a Responsible Pet Owner and then spend time playing with and appreciating your companion!
So how does one participate in “Responsible Pet Owner Month”, you ask?
1. Make an appointment with your veterinarian or low-cost clinic to have your dog or cat spayed or neutered, if you haven't already. Spaying and neutering not only helps control animal population, but it can also protect dogs and cats from various diseases. Keep a complete list of veterinarians, pet care providers, trainers, groomers and any other pet care “helper” on hand. Keep a list of trustworthy people you can take your pet(s) to in case something should happen to you.
2. Encourage friends and family members to get their dogs and cats spayed and neutered. Check your local phone book or the Internet for low-cost spay/neuter clinics in your area. You can make a list of the low-cost clinics and give them to any friends or family members that are struggling financially.
3. Be well informed on your pets’ care and needs.
4. Be safe and prepared when transporting or traveling with your pet.
5. Train your dog; this is extremely important. The Number One reason for dogs ending up in shelters is behavior problems. By training and socializing your dog you can greatly reduce the chances of your dog ever getting lost or ending up in a shelter.
6. Feed your dog a well-balanced and nutritious diet. There are many quality dog and cat food choices on the market today. With a little research you can find a lot of information on food, and the food that would be best for your dog or cat.
7. Clean up after your dog. Whenever you take your dog for a walk or to play at the park or beach, make sure you bring some bags to pick up after your dog. It's very irresponsible to not clean up dog waste.
8. Groom your dog on a regular basis; although some dogs don't require as much grooming as others. A Pit Bull, for instance, has a short coat that does not require any clipping. A Bichon Frise requires grooming on a weekly basis. Keep your dog's coat clean, nails trimmed, ears clean, teeth free from plaque and tartar and regular trimmings if your dog requires it.
9. Keep your dog healthy. It's important that your dog is protected against various diseases. By feeding your dog a nutritious diet you can boost your dog's immune system which will help keep your dog healthy and vibrant. Always remember animals need their exercise as part of keeping healthy.
10. Let your dog live in the house with you. You need to provide shelter for your dog; dogs are extremely social animals and need contact with their human "pack." Isolating your dog from the household is detrimental to your dog's mental well-being. It is unfair to get a dog and then banish him to a backyard kennel.
11. Make sure your dog has up-to-date identification tags on her collar. It's important to check them every once in a while, as dogs have a tendency to lose their ID tags. It's also important to make sure the information on the tag is up-to-date. You can also micro-chip your pets.
12. Be prepared for pet emergencies by setting up an emergency fund and putting together a disaster preparedness kit. Keep a well stocked first aid in the house.
13. And of course always be prepared to give lots of love, kisses, snuggles, belly rubs and hugs.
Here's some fun reading about this month you might enjoy:
5 Healthy Lifestyle Steps For Pet Owners For February ``Responsible Pet Owners Month'' article - http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS163125+19-Feb-2008+BW20080219
ASPCA's Animal Lessons - http://www2.aspca.org/site/DocServer/animalessons_vol0102.pdf?docID=1761
Feb. is Responsible Pet Owner Month, Get Fuzzy Fixed article - http://www.kyw1060.com/pages/1579239.php?
To learn more about Responsible Pet Ownership, to connect with other responsible pet owners, gain knowledge about how to care for your pets, gain advice and this special occasion try these resources:
A Dog's Plea - http://www.mathco.com/cheechwizard/animals/dogplea.html
A Happy Pets - http://www.ahappypets.com
Animal Emergency Clinic - http://www.AnimalEmergencySD.com
Animal ER of San Diego - (858) 569-0600, 5610 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111
Animal Hospitals USA - http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com
Animal Urgent Care of Escondido - http://www.AUC.US.com
AVMA - http://www.avma.org
California Veterinary Specialists - http://www.CaliforniaVeterinarySpecialists.com
Cats & Rabbits & More - http://www.catsandrabbitsandmore.com/san_diego_rats___others
Catster - http://www.catster.com
Classic Green Light Insurance – Pet Insurance packages – http://www.classicgreenlight.com
Classifieds For Your Pets - http://www.classifiedsforyourpets.com
DNA Testing Company to Determine Dog Breed - http://www.whatsmydog.com
Dog Breed Info - http://www.dogbreedinfo.com
Dog Pages - http://www.dogspages.net
Dog, Dogs, Canine Wonderland! – http://www.I-Love-Dogs.com
Dogster - http://www.dogster.com
Free guide for non traditional pets (birds, fowls, tortoises, etc.) - http://www.animalsinthecity.webs.com
Harmony Animal Hospital - http://www.petvets.com
Herp Center Reptile Forums - http://www.herpcenter.com
Holistic Veterinary Care – http://www.animalhealingcenter.net
I Love My Dog Contract - http://www.loveyourdog.com/contract.html
I Love Dogs - http://www.i-love-dogs.com/forums
Love Your Dog Poetry - http://www.loveyourdog.com/poetry.html
Nonprofit Veterinary Organization - nonprofit org that provides free veterinary aid - http://www.worldvets.org
Pawspot - http://www.pawspot.com
Pet Dog and Cat Services - http://www.petdogandcatservices.com
Pet Assistance Foundation - http://www.orgsites.com/ca/pet-assistance
Pet Emergency & Specialty - http://www.PESCSanDiego.com
Pet Hobbyist - http://www.pethobbyist.com
Pet Piazza - http://www.petpiazza.com
Pet Thoughts - http://www.petthoughts.com
PetCare Directory (PetCare Link Partners) - http://www.ready-pet-go.com
Petforumz – http://www.petforumz.com/
Pit Bull Chat - http://www.pitbull-chat.com
Reptile Forums - http://www.reptileforums.net
San Diego Pet – http://www.sandiegopet.com
SNAP – Spay Neuter Action - http://www.Snap-SanDiego.org
Swim Therapy - http://www.cuttingedgek9.com
Tail Feathers Bird Community - http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/community
VCA Emergency Animal Hospital & Referral Center - http://www.VCAEmergency.com
VCA North Coast Veterinary & Emergency - http://www.VCANorthCoast.com
Veterinary Specialty Hospital - http://www.VSHSD.com
So how does one participate in “Responsible Pet Owner Month”, you ask?
1. Make an appointment with your veterinarian or low-cost clinic to have your dog or cat spayed or neutered, if you haven't already. Spaying and neutering not only helps control animal population, but it can also protect dogs and cats from various diseases. Keep a complete list of veterinarians, pet care providers, trainers, groomers and any other pet care “helper” on hand. Keep a list of trustworthy people you can take your pet(s) to in case something should happen to you.
2. Encourage friends and family members to get their dogs and cats spayed and neutered. Check your local phone book or the Internet for low-cost spay/neuter clinics in your area. You can make a list of the low-cost clinics and give them to any friends or family members that are struggling financially.
3. Be well informed on your pets’ care and needs.
4. Be safe and prepared when transporting or traveling with your pet.
5. Train your dog; this is extremely important. The Number One reason for dogs ending up in shelters is behavior problems. By training and socializing your dog you can greatly reduce the chances of your dog ever getting lost or ending up in a shelter.
6. Feed your dog a well-balanced and nutritious diet. There are many quality dog and cat food choices on the market today. With a little research you can find a lot of information on food, and the food that would be best for your dog or cat.
7. Clean up after your dog. Whenever you take your dog for a walk or to play at the park or beach, make sure you bring some bags to pick up after your dog. It's very irresponsible to not clean up dog waste.
8. Groom your dog on a regular basis; although some dogs don't require as much grooming as others. A Pit Bull, for instance, has a short coat that does not require any clipping. A Bichon Frise requires grooming on a weekly basis. Keep your dog's coat clean, nails trimmed, ears clean, teeth free from plaque and tartar and regular trimmings if your dog requires it.
9. Keep your dog healthy. It's important that your dog is protected against various diseases. By feeding your dog a nutritious diet you can boost your dog's immune system which will help keep your dog healthy and vibrant. Always remember animals need their exercise as part of keeping healthy.
10. Let your dog live in the house with you. You need to provide shelter for your dog; dogs are extremely social animals and need contact with their human "pack." Isolating your dog from the household is detrimental to your dog's mental well-being. It is unfair to get a dog and then banish him to a backyard kennel.
11. Make sure your dog has up-to-date identification tags on her collar. It's important to check them every once in a while, as dogs have a tendency to lose their ID tags. It's also important to make sure the information on the tag is up-to-date. You can also micro-chip your pets.
12. Be prepared for pet emergencies by setting up an emergency fund and putting together a disaster preparedness kit. Keep a well stocked first aid in the house.
13. And of course always be prepared to give lots of love, kisses, snuggles, belly rubs and hugs.
Here's some fun reading about this month you might enjoy:
5 Healthy Lifestyle Steps For Pet Owners For February ``Responsible Pet Owners Month'' article - http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS163125+19-Feb-2008+BW20080219
ASPCA's Animal Lessons - http://www2.aspca.org/site/DocServer/animalessons_vol0102.pdf?docID=1761
Feb. is Responsible Pet Owner Month, Get Fuzzy Fixed article - http://www.kyw1060.com/pages/1579239.php?
To learn more about Responsible Pet Ownership, to connect with other responsible pet owners, gain knowledge about how to care for your pets, gain advice and this special occasion try these resources:
A Dog's Plea - http://www.mathco.com/cheechwizard/animals/dogplea.html
A Happy Pets - http://www.ahappypets.com
Animal Emergency Clinic - http://www.AnimalEmergencySD.com
Animal ER of San Diego - (858) 569-0600, 5610 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111
Animal Hospitals USA - http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com
Animal Urgent Care of Escondido - http://www.AUC.US.com
AVMA - http://www.avma.org
California Veterinary Specialists - http://www.CaliforniaVeterinarySpecialists.com
Cats & Rabbits & More - http://www.catsandrabbitsandmore.com/san_diego_rats___others
Catster - http://www.catster.com
Classic Green Light Insurance – Pet Insurance packages – http://www.classicgreenlight.com
Classifieds For Your Pets - http://www.classifiedsforyourpets.com
DNA Testing Company to Determine Dog Breed - http://www.whatsmydog.com
Dog Breed Info - http://www.dogbreedinfo.com
Dog Pages - http://www.dogspages.net
Dog, Dogs, Canine Wonderland! – http://www.I-Love-Dogs.com
Dogster - http://www.dogster.com
Free guide for non traditional pets (birds, fowls, tortoises, etc.) - http://www.animalsinthecity.webs.com
Harmony Animal Hospital - http://www.petvets.com
Herp Center Reptile Forums - http://www.herpcenter.com
Holistic Veterinary Care – http://www.animalhealingcenter.net
I Love My Dog Contract - http://www.loveyourdog.com/contract.html
I Love Dogs - http://www.i-love-dogs.com/forums
Love Your Dog Poetry - http://www.loveyourdog.com/poetry.html
Nonprofit Veterinary Organization - nonprofit org that provides free veterinary aid - http://www.worldvets.org
Pawspot - http://www.pawspot.com
Pet Dog and Cat Services - http://www.petdogandcatservices.com
Pet Assistance Foundation - http://www.orgsites.com/ca/pet-assistance
Pet Emergency & Specialty - http://www.PESCSanDiego.com
Pet Hobbyist - http://www.pethobbyist.com
Pet Piazza - http://www.petpiazza.com
Pet Thoughts - http://www.petthoughts.com
PetCare Directory (PetCare Link Partners) - http://www.ready-pet-go.com
Petforumz – http://www.petforumz.com/
Pit Bull Chat - http://www.pitbull-chat.com
Reptile Forums - http://www.reptileforums.net
San Diego Pet – http://www.sandiegopet.com
SNAP – Spay Neuter Action - http://www.Snap-SanDiego.org
Swim Therapy - http://www.cuttingedgek9.com
Tail Feathers Bird Community - http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/community
VCA Emergency Animal Hospital & Referral Center - http://www.VCAEmergency.com
VCA North Coast Veterinary & Emergency - http://www.VCANorthCoast.com
Veterinary Specialty Hospital - http://www.VSHSD.com
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